ScanFile is the fast, secure and easy to use solution to your document management requirements.
Whether your need is for a single user system, or for a company-wide solution over a LAN, WAN, or global access via the internet, ScanFile’s modular design can be tailored to your requirements.
ScanFile 2003 offers a flexible and easy to use platform for the storage, referencing and retrieval of your organisations documents. ScanFile supports a vast range of black and white and colour document scanners, and includes several features to make the storage of electronic format documents, such as word processing and spreadsheet format files a straightforward task, including integration with Microsoft Office applications.
- Import: data and images
- Export
- Microsoft Office full integration
- All types of electronic files(photos, videos, emails, etc.)
- Versioning, document revisions
- TIFF writer
- Comprehensive security, audit trail reporting
- Retention schedule
- Workflow
- COLDVNP: automatic document archiving from print spool jobs
- Creation of portable wallet (images and index structure)
- Creation of self-executable CDs
- View: full screen, thumbnails, rotation, zoom
- Remote station (archiving across the internet)
- and more!
ScanFile has a host of standard features that allow you to design and create document storage folders, and then to scan, send and import documents to them. Search and document viewing tools are comprehensive, but easy to access and use. ScanFile has been designed to be modular, so that you only have to purchase the features you require, with those features then integrating seamlessly into the core application.
Companies have rapidly embraced Internet technologies, supporting remote and mobile users and setting up corporate intranets using the web browser as the universal desktop client application. As this trend continues, internal and external users (such as customers, prospects and partners) are demanding Internet access to corporate document management repositories. ScanFile WebServer is uniquely positioned to deliver the vast benefits of this technology to users.
With ScanFile WebServer, you can give anyone, anywhere in the world access to your document libraries. ScanFile WebServer is an internet server-based application that allows the retrieval of documents using just a web browser. Whether you wish to make documents available over the Internet or an Intranet, ScanFile WebServer is the fast, secure, reliable and easy way to do it.